Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

The Bourne Legacy

Okay, I have a secret. I am majorly in love with Jeremy Renner. After seeing him in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and the Avengers, my god I got it bad...and for the that reason, I saw the new Bourne movie; Bourne Legacy. Everytime he did something even remotely sexy, I gasped! And Yazmin rolled her eyes hahah he's always been in my mind but not it's ALL IN MY FACE hotness

I'm a huge fan of the franchise and was extremely apprehensive about a movie with no Matt Damon and no Jason Bourne. I like this movie franchise. I like the quick moments of intelligent thinking (I didn't like Rachel Weisz macking on my man...but got over it as I remembered she's married to Bond so it's not legit and serious ;)) but like I said, it's just not the same without Jason Bourne, and sad to say, I loved the fighting (rather sexy ;)) and it was cleverly tied and done but it was just good. And he wasn't naked....that I did not like ;) haha AND I was too distracted to eat anything, which is weird esp since thats one of my fave parts about going to the movies...

Since I've been watching the press, I watched interviews with Tony Gilroy (writer/director) and he said something really smart: any actor other actor that could have played Aaron Cross like Gosling or Gyllenhaal for example but he wanted someone not really know so they would forget Bourne is not in it...and let me tell you, it's PURE genius because it worked...

That's my opinion anyways :)

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