Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"The Dark Knight Rises"

So, I watched the Dark Knight Rises by myself this morning and lemme tell you, Bane, seriously gave me the creeps!!!! Like legit from the moment he came on the screen, I was totally freaked out. I also think that the whole shooting incident and the paranoia played a role but overall, he was thoroughly creepy... What I like about Christopher Nolan is that even though us as the audience don't necessary agree with (I was kinda hesitate on Anne Hathaway being cat woman...I love her and all, but come on, Michelle Pfiffier is the shit when it came to I right or am I right?? ...) he cast Anne very well and she somehow became Catwoman and I have to say, wow, I was very pleasantly wasn't like I was watching Anne Hathaway, which is generally a good sign...she was good...I must say... The fight scene on the bridge, I thought that was really good and really intense. I was so rooting for batman (weren't we all ;)) The ending really made me literally go "oh my god!!" I absolutely did not see it coming.... at all!! I can't believe Marion Cotillard turned out to be a baddy...she's just so lovely, I was like "WHHHHHHHAT???" What I liked its that Christopher Nolan sorta changed his with the whole Hans Zimmer music and intenseness all were totally toned down...I enjoyed that he changed but I like the old Nolan like with inception and the dark knight... Overall, it wasn't as good as the dark knight. I'm very glad I finally got to see it...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

The Bourne Legacy

Okay, I have a secret. I am majorly in love with Jeremy Renner. After seeing him in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and the Avengers, my god I got it bad...and for the that reason, I saw the new Bourne movie; Bourne Legacy. Everytime he did something even remotely sexy, I gasped! And Yazmin rolled her eyes hahah he's always been in my mind but not it's ALL IN MY FACE hotness

I'm a huge fan of the franchise and was extremely apprehensive about a movie with no Matt Damon and no Jason Bourne. I like this movie franchise. I like the quick moments of intelligent thinking (I didn't like Rachel Weisz macking on my man...but got over it as I remembered she's married to Bond so it's not legit and serious ;)) but like I said, it's just not the same without Jason Bourne, and sad to say, I loved the fighting (rather sexy ;)) and it was cleverly tied and done but it was just good. And he wasn't naked....that I did not like ;) haha AND I was too distracted to eat anything, which is weird esp since thats one of my fave parts about going to the movies...

Since I've been watching the press, I watched interviews with Tony Gilroy (writer/director) and he said something really smart: any actor other actor that could have played Aaron Cross like Gosling or Gyllenhaal for example but he wanted someone not really know so they would forget Bourne is not in it...and let me tell you, it's PURE genius because it worked...

That's my opinion anyways :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We brought a zoo

I have just finished watching a movie called "We brought a zoo' and it was completely not what I expected. I really liked it. As an animal lover, watching spar pass away pulled my heartstrings. But overall, this movie is a nice movie. The story I think may be true. If it is, it is an emotional story of overcoming obstacles. It is also literally about a man who brought a zoo.
The movie gave me a few chuckles here and there especially when the camels were messing with the inspector or the little lizards were dancing around his feet. It was humorous.
I also like that Scarlett Johansson is not overly sexy and she can just focus on her acting.
I think that this is a movie for animal lovers such as myself because it is filled with animals and their adorable ways. But I still don't know why spar had to die!  But by far the best scene ever was that adorable little girl saying "everyone says youre a dick. I don't know what that means but I don't think you are." 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The avengers

The avengers

I have to say, the avengers is an amazingly awesome awesome we had to go straight to smyk, by yaz an iron man mask and she legit wore it allllllllll the way home...on the bus, on the walk and watching was HILARIOUS...

As much as i love all the superheros (the hulk was the comic relief..esp when he like pushes thor for the sake of it HA-HA...or the best line "pneuny god.." haha) i kinda officially became obsessed with jeremy renner for a few reasons...i always knew of him because my mind is literally IMDB, so i knew him from the hurt locker, the town, MI5 and s.w.a.t and the fact he was the really really really hot druggie in house season 4, this movie began the obsession: heres why; he can act...hes left handed...he became a bad guy...and ive always had a thing for guys who can shoot a bow and arrow (a la orlando bloom as legolas greenleaf...dont ask me why cause i dont know why..) but he kinda was the reason this movie was good ;)

And then theres the fact that the superheros save the world and all come together...

I just really liked it..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

J. Edgar, Ides of March & Iron Lady...

Since it is the build up to the 2012 academy awards, like tradition, I am watching ALL (yes all) of the academy nominated movies...

Yesterday I watched Iron Lady with Meryl Streep...her acting was absolutely, undoubtably AMAZING. There is no greater actress than Meryl Streep. She took on Margaret Thatcher and nailed her perfectly to a T. She was phenomenal in that movie. The story of her portrayal was not so good but Meryl carried that movie and made it the first movie I was to watch for oscar build up. There was a lot of poignant moments that had me in tears because even though, Margaret Thatcher came off as a right old bitch, she suffered grief like most people and when she had to pack up her husbands things, my oh my was I in TEARS...I admit I get too emotionally attached to characters in movies but I still was in tears...and that started from when they showed her one minute talking to her husband to the next that she had set everything up for him even though he wasn't there...Iron Lady may have been her nickname but in all honesty it seemed fitting because the core of the movie, proved that hard and mean Margaret Thatcher was not made of iron, that she was a human brought realism to the lady who changed British politics..

J.Edgar, hmmmm...I love anything leo and its acting is divine but I was severely disappointed....especially for a Clint Eastwood film....but there was something just off about may have been the style that there was no particular theme to it...or the fact it was just him remembering his time at the FBI....I can't quite put my finger on it...I feel as though, Clint Eastwood lost his touch a little bit with this film which SUCKS because I am a huge Clint Eastwood The Changeling, was amaze balls...Mystic River was brilliant and Million Dollar Baby is one of my all time fave films...but this was just not right...not to belittle anyone but maybe it was the writing...if it wasn't for Leonardo DiCaprio, I probably honestly would have no interest in the film and usually this quite up my alley...I don't know..I can't quite put my finger on why I didn't enjoy the film...I watched it to the very end but honestly, I don't think I'll watch it again....

Ide of March I watched this morning and this I thoroughly enjoyed. I don't know why but I've become a bit of a political movie appreciator...this movie has politics written ALL over it (and the fact Ryan Gosling was in it didn't harm either....;)) but this movie I really did enjoy. I thought that George Clooney did a great job not only writing this movie and starring in it, but directing it...I love the ending where you see Ryan Gosling, contemplating his actions right before his interview, or at least indicating that he felt somewhat bad about his actions to getting down to business and looking us movie watchers STRAIGHT in the eye...classic Clooney signature...just like in Michael Clayton, the ending where George's character Michael Clayton, does something to set up Tilda Swindon's character and gets in the taxi...behold, the movie was written and directed by Clooney...coincident? i think not...;)

I love movies and the Oscars....its time to appreciate movies that are considered "Great"....

Tomorrow, the descendants and the artist...


Monday, December 26, 2011

Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

I am a little biased cuz I absolutely love Tom Cruise and all the Mission Impossibles, however I felt there was something a little bit off this time.

This one also heightened a little extra awesomeness for someone by the name of Jeremy Renner...(for those who don't know who Jeremy Renner is, imdb him...the second I saw him, I knew he was the TOTAL hot guy from S.W.A.T, The Hurt Locker and House...I remember because he was a bad guy in SWAT, he wore an army uniform and he was playing with much more can he my "ideal" guy?...) different topic :)

I wasn't into the whole no Luther not being in it (2 mins in the end doesn't count) but I guess it was quite an good movie. The car fight scene, very good. Climbing up the outside of the worlds tallest building in Dubai, INTENSE!!! Way too intense for me. I liked simon pegg in it..Like I said, I'm biased....I might need to see it again to really see if I understand it or enjoyed it....

And it absolutely did not harm that Jeremy Renner was in it...oh and he's funny..and he like totally spends about 3 mins stretching....